Everything grinds to a halt….

Apologies for a hiatus in blogging, but everything did grind to a halt. After a few days in Thailand relaxing, we flew to Sydney for four days to catch up with friends. However, this went a bit “pear-shaped” after a chance encounter with a pharmacist. After asking a seemingly innocuous question, she pointed out that Paul was looking jaundiced.

This led to a whole series of tests, prods and scans, eventually leading to a hepatitis diagnosis as a result of a visit to a dentist in Bangkok to get his teeth cleaned. The outcome was a visit to the hospital for eight days, most of which was actually spent on “gate leave”. He was released after the liver inflammation results started to fall, but this is something that has to clear itself, so it’s a drawn out process, requiring lots of food to fight the infection but not too much strenuous activity.

The upshot of everything is that the original stay in Sydney increased from four to sixteen days. However, the travel plans returned to normal when we spent Christmas and New Year in New Zealand, after which we will return to Australia for January. The outcome is a likely return to the UK in February, with travelling to South America restarting in May/June. Wait for future blogs on this, but in the meantime, normal blogging duties will resume.

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